(11-08-2014, 05:48 PM)inkyvoyd Wrote: I am currently having this problem too when trying to install win7 x64 (professional) on my flash drive. Below is a link to my user file you requested[/quote]
I am using a partitioned (NTFS format) Mushkin Ventura Ultra 120GB. Thanks for the software utility, and for the help!
Dear inkyvoyd,
If your problem is the same as mine, I would suggest downloading the official ISO file for Windows 7 Professional x64 SP directly from Microsoft using its CDN, digitalriver. The link is as follows: http://msft.digitalrivercontent.net/win/X17-59186.iso.
Dear Admin,
I downloaded the ISO version from DigitalRiver and it works! I will now try to boot from the OS. Thanks for the help.
Is there anywhere in this thread where I can mark my question as solved?